The Screen > Color and Themes
Fancy themes and the use of color has become more and more prevalent in web page design. There are a few DOs and Don'ts to consider when designing your interface. The information provided here is intended to provide simple guidelines to assist you in creating a functional page that adheres to the basics.
Page Themes |
The site purpose should dictate characteristics of its theme: |
Background Graphics | There are many choices one can make as far as web page backgrounds. Solid colors or image files with or without textures are common choices. It is important to remember that the number one concern in choosing a background is readability. A fancy background page can enhance a site or annoy the user and make the text difficult to read. Use caution! | |
Colors | Do to differences in computer platforms and web browsers, color choice must be given consideration in web site design. As a general rule there are 256 colors that computers recognize on the web. Different computer platforms recognize different colors and only 216 colors on the 256 are common to all platforms. The colors in this grouping are known as web safe colors. Wile this may seem a problem, you can combine web safe colors to make hybrid colors giving you a little more flexibility. | |
Bandwidth | Remember that everything you want to show to the user must flow from the server to the user. While complex images can enhance the users experience, long download time can quickly aggravate them. | |
Simplicity | Simplicity will seldom lead you astray. If adding content or graphics to a page will have limited impact on its functionality or clarity.. leave it off! |
John Rivoire |
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